Activities & News:

Wednesday, April 9, 2025
Special evening program at 6:30 pm 
to celebrate Earth Day Month
Mississippi River Speed Record, 
an Epic Adventure 
Location: Kane County Government Center Auditorium, First/Lower Floor of Building A 719 S. Batavia Avenue, Geneva, IL
This program is free, reservations not required. The public is welcome.
Learn about a journey by canoe from the Mississippi headwaters down to the mouth, and all of the lessons we can learn from the river. Wally Werderich was one of the journey participants and will join us for some Q&A discussion after the film.
Film runtime: 87 minutes

Visit our Facebook page for photos from the 3/13 Summit

                   Current Issue:   March 3, 2025
FREP Programs & Presentations
LINK to our Presentations Page
You'll find links to presentation pdfs
or videos on YouTube
Recent:  Turf Grass Alternatives  2/12/25
Monarchs & Margaritas  1/8/25

The Fabulous Fox! Water Trail is designated a recreational water trail by the National Park Service's
National Trail System.
Visit our Water Trail page for more info

Documentary -- Watershed Warriors

A documentary called "Watershed Warriors," produced by RiversAreLife (RaL), offers an intimate look into the profound impact of Friends of the Fox River's mission of protecting, preserving, and restoring the Fox River watershed. 
Watershed Warriors embody the spirit of FOTFR. The film showcases the efforts of FOTFR President Gary Swick and FOTFR Education Operations Director Jenni Kempf, who both exemplify a commitment to the river's well-being. 
