About FREP
The Fox River Ecosystem Partnership (FREP) was formed in 1996 after the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) designated a core of high-quality ecological resources in the northern-most watershed as a "Resource Rich Area". Portions of eleven counties, including Lake, McHenry, Kane, Kendall and LaSalle, form the Fox River watershed, which is home to 11% of the state's population.
The watershed contains the Fox Chain O'Lakes (one of the nation's busiest inland waterways), many high quality Natural Areas, and suburban areas with some of the highest growth rates in the state. The Partnership is a diverse group, made up of landowners, businesses, non-profit organizations, agencies and governments within the Fox River Watershed region.
In 1998 FREP began a comprehensive planning process, identifying 16 critical factors and 6 areas of concern. The result was the Integrated Management Plan for the Fox River Watershed in Illinois that makes 35 recommendations for action.
Organizational Structure
The Fox River Ecosystem Partnership is a 501(c)3 not for profit organization. The Executive Committee consists of the President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Past President, Advisors, and Ex Officio members. FREP Officers are elected by majority vote at an annual meeting. (The January Membership Meeting)
Meetings & Noon Networks
FREP members and interested persons are invited to attend the Annual Membership Meeting, generally to be held on a on the second Wednesday of January at 1 PM. Holding just one membership meeting a year is new in 2024.
FREP Noon Networks, starting in 2024, will be held on the second Wednesday, from Noon-1:30 PM and feature environmental projects and topics throughout the Watershed. Generally, these will be held in February, April, May, June, August, September, October and November.
FREP members and the general public are invited to bring a lunch (when the setting is appropriate) and learn more about a project and actually visit the project site and talk to those involved. Noon Networks are hosted by FREP members at various locations throughout the Watershed.
Additional special FREP activities include:
The Fox River Ecosystem Partnership (FREP) was formed in 1996 after the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) designated a core of high-quality ecological resources in the northern-most watershed as a "Resource Rich Area". Portions of eleven counties, including Lake, McHenry, Kane, Kendall and LaSalle, form the Fox River watershed, which is home to 11% of the state's population.
The watershed contains the Fox Chain O'Lakes (one of the nation's busiest inland waterways), many high quality Natural Areas, and suburban areas with some of the highest growth rates in the state. The Partnership is a diverse group, made up of landowners, businesses, non-profit organizations, agencies and governments within the Fox River Watershed region.
In 1998 FREP began a comprehensive planning process, identifying 16 critical factors and 6 areas of concern. The result was the Integrated Management Plan for the Fox River Watershed in Illinois that makes 35 recommendations for action.
Organizational Structure
The Fox River Ecosystem Partnership is a 501(c)3 not for profit organization. The Executive Committee consists of the President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Past President, Advisors, and Ex Officio members. FREP Officers are elected by majority vote at an annual meeting. (The January Membership Meeting)
Meetings & Noon Networks
FREP members and interested persons are invited to attend the Annual Membership Meeting, generally to be held on a on the second Wednesday of January at 1 PM. Holding just one membership meeting a year is new in 2024.
FREP Noon Networks, starting in 2024, will be held on the second Wednesday, from Noon-1:30 PM and feature environmental projects and topics throughout the Watershed. Generally, these will be held in February, April, May, June, August, September, October and November.
FREP members and the general public are invited to bring a lunch (when the setting is appropriate) and learn more about a project and actually visit the project site and talk to those involved. Noon Networks are hosted by FREP members at various locations throughout the Watershed.
Additional special FREP activities include:
The Fox River Summit with our Wisconsin watershed partners in March; a FREP Annual Picnic & Program in July; and a FREP Holiday Gathering in December.
Check the Meetings & News page for our meeting schedule.
Check the Meetings & News page for our meeting schedule.
Contact Information
Communications Manager: Becky Hoag
Mailing Address:
Fox River Ecosystem Partnership - Becky Hoag
c/o 1281 Danforth Drive, Batavia, IL 60510
2023-24 Officers & Executive Committee
President Jeff Mengler
Hey and Associates
Vice President Nancy Williamson
Friends of Hackmatack National Wildlife Refuge
Secretary Lucas King
Community Member
Co-Treasurers Sue Glavan & Eva Kiss
Community Members
Advisors (representing Focus Areas for FREP):
Rob Linke
Kane County Div. of Environmental & Water Resources
Jeff Mengler
Hey and Associates
Friends of Hackmatack National Wildlife Refuge
Nancy Williamson
Holly Hudson
Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP)
National Water Trail Initiative
Karen Ann Miller
Kane County Development Dept.
Water Resources
Jessica Mino, The Conservation Foundation
Representative to Fox River Study Group
Alyse Olson
Kendall County Soil & Water Conservation District
Members at Large:
Carolyn Campbell, McHenry County Conservation Dist.
Fox River Ecosystem Partnership - Becky Hoag
c/o 1281 Danforth Drive, Batavia, IL 60510
2023-24 Officers & Executive Committee
President Jeff Mengler
Hey and Associates
Vice President Nancy Williamson
Friends of Hackmatack National Wildlife Refuge
Secretary Lucas King
Community Member
Co-Treasurers Sue Glavan & Eva Kiss
Community Members
Advisors (representing Focus Areas for FREP):
Rob Linke
Kane County Div. of Environmental & Water Resources
Jeff Mengler
Hey and Associates
Friends of Hackmatack National Wildlife Refuge
Nancy Williamson
Holly Hudson
Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP)
National Water Trail Initiative
Karen Ann Miller
Kane County Development Dept.
Water Resources
Jessica Mino, The Conservation Foundation
Representative to Fox River Study Group
Alyse Olson
Kendall County Soil & Water Conservation District
Members at Large:
Carolyn Campbell, McHenry County Conservation Dist.
Cindy Skrukrud, Fox River Study Group
Maggie Soliz, Soliz Group
Ex-Officio Member: Bill Donnell, City of Aurora
Maggie Soliz, Soliz Group
Ex-Officio Member: Bill Donnell, City of Aurora
FREP Executive Committee Meetings will be held throughout the year, generally on a bi-monthly basis or as needed. Some of these meetings may be via Zoom.
Membership in FREP
FREP appreciates the continued support of our members to address issues critical to preserving and enhancing the
Fox River Watershed in Illinois. We strive to provide programming our members and friends find interesting, educational
and helpful to their important work in our watershed. Participants enjoy many opportunities to network with other professionals and community and organization representatives. FREP will continue to explore funding sources that can benefit our members and watershed.
Becoming a FREP Member
The FREP Fiscal year runs from July 1 to June 30. Annual dues help support the activities of FREP and provide for a part-time communications manager to help organize
meetings, activities, and to maintain this website.
● Membership is open to all "stakeholders" in the Fox River Watershed —
individuals, governments, organizations and businesses.
● Officers and Committee information is listed above on this page
● Meetings are generally bi-monthly. Meeting information is posted on our News/Activities Page.
● FREP news and meeting information is also shared in the monthly emailed FREP Downstream Newsletter
● Membership is open to all "stakeholders" in the Fox River Watershed —
individuals, governments, organizations and businesses.
● Officers and Committee information is listed above on this page
● Meetings are generally bi-monthly. Meeting information is posted on our News/Activities Page.
● FREP news and meeting information is also shared in the monthly emailed FREP Downstream Newsletter
Membership Fees
$ 25 for Individual Membership for Private Citizens
$ 50 for Not-for-Profit Membership for Volunteer
Organizations or Foundations
$ 100 for Business/Corporation/Agency Memberships for Units of Government, Business Associations and Agencies
$500 for a Contributing Member
$ 1,000 for a Sustaining Member
$ 25 for Individual Membership for Private Citizens
$ 50 for Not-for-Profit Membership for Volunteer
Organizations or Foundations
$ 100 for Business/Corporation/Agency Memberships for Units of Government, Business Associations and Agencies
$500 for a Contributing Member
$ 1,000 for a Sustaining Member
Join/Renew Your Membership
FREP Membership Form - printable pdf to mail
FREP Membership Online Form - Pay via PayPal
FREP Membership Form - printable pdf to mail
FREP Membership Online Form - Pay via PayPal

FREP Member Honor Roll
FREP Executive Committee & Membership Meeting Minutes
Executive Committee Minutes
Membership Meeting Minutes
November 8, 2023
November 8, 2023